Friday, August 3, 2007


From this graph we can see that Singapore is going through global warming. from the 26.9degrees celcius in 1989 to as high as 28.3degrees celcius in 1997 and 1998, there is an obvious rise in the mean temperatures in Singapore.

Global warming has affected Singapore in many aspects, and we are doing our best to reduce pollution which may lead to drastic worsening of global warming.

Singapore can continue its effort in making the city full of plants, which can help to greatly reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, and thus to minimise the effect on the atmosphere layer. Also, the government is now promoting the awareness of global warming and the effect it would caused it, and many of the citizens are know what to do as their part.

Some examples like conserving water and energy; repair leaky systems; plan for strength and flexibility in new structures; regulate land use to avoid building on areas vulnerable to flooding; establish water metering and realistic pricing; include water-efficient technology in building codes. The government can also: irrigate less wastefully; design new criteria for adjustable, retrofitable storage structures; consider interbasin transfers and/or recharge of aquifers. In flood-prone areas:continue to improve forecasting and warning systems, and evacuation and relief plans; evaluate and improve present flood-control structures; design new structures to handle more frequent and extreme events. Many of these small actions can make a big difference.

In conclusion, Singapore has the potential to become a non-pollutant city as it is a small country and thus, it is easy for the government to control and promote awareness to every citizens. If all the citizens play their roll as a part of mother nature, the situation of global warming will not worsen as quickly as predicted, even though a gradual rise in temperature over the years is inevitable.


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